A New Spin | It's About Time | Maxwell's equations (without the equations)

AMRNB stands for AMS stands for AMSAR stands for AMSAT stands for AMSC stands for AMSE stands for AMSR stands for AMSS stands for AMSTAR stands for AMSTE stands for AMSTER stands for AMSTEX stands for AMSU stands for AMT stands for AMTA stands for AMTD stands for AMTF stands for AMTFT stands for AMTICS stands for AMTS stands for AMTSBLVFG stands for AMU stands for AMUSE stands for AMVFD stands for AMVSB stands for AMW stands for AN stands for ANA stands for ANAC stands for ANACRON stands for ANAP stands for ANAST stands for ANATEL stands for ANC stands for ANCE stands for ANCOVA stands for ANCS stands for AND stands for ANDF stands for ANDMAP stands for ANDN stands for ANDOSL stands for ANDVT stands for ANEMA stands for ANERA stands for ANF stands for ANFAWFOS stands for ANFAWFOWS stands for ANFSCD stands for ANHR stands for ANI stands for ANIALI stands for ANIF stands for ANIM stands for ANIME stands for ANIR stands for ANL stands for ANM stands for ANN stands for ANNA stands for ANNC stands for ANNDSC stands for ANNO stands for ANON stands for ANONCVS stands for ANONPROXY stands for ANOP stands for ANOPR stands for ANOVA stands for ANPR stands for ANPRM stands for ANR stands for ANS stands for ANSA stands for ANSDS stands for ANSE stands for ANSI stands for ANSISQL92 stands for ANSOFTLM stands for ANT stands for ANTARES stands for ANTEL stands for ANTELCO stands for ANTIOPE stands for ANTLR stands for ANTOY stands for ANU stands for ANUBIS stands for ANUIT stands for ANUPQ stands for ANW stands for ANX stands for ANY1 stands for ANYDBM stands for ANYJ stands for AO stands for AOA stands for AOAS stands for AOB stands for AOC stands for AOCAP stands for AOCE stands for AOCI stands for AOCNET stands for AOCS stands for AOD stands for AODI stands for AODV stands for AODVBR stands for AOE stands for AOF stands for AOFT stands for AOH stands for AOI stands for AOIPS stands for AOL stands for AOLM stands for AOLS stands for AOLTV stands for AOM stands for AON stands for AOP stands for AOR stands for AOS stands for AOSN stands for AOSP stands for AOSS stands for AOSSVR stands for AOSVS stands for AOT stands for AOTC stands for AOTF stands for AOTS stands for AOU stands for AOV stands for AOW stands for AP stands for APA stands for APAC stands for APACHE stands for APACHECON stands for APACHECTL stands for APACI stands for APACM stands for APAD stands for APAE stands for APAFO stands for APAICH stands for APAN stands for APAR stands for APAREN stands for APART stands for APBMS stands for APC stands for APCA stands for APCC stands for APCM stands for APCO stands for APCS stands for APCT stands for APCUG stands for APCUPSD stands for APCVD stands for APD stands for APDA stands for APDBE stands for APDK stands for APDP stands for APDS stands for APDU stands for APE stands for APEC stands for APEGBC stands for APEGM stands for APEGN stands for APEGS stands for APEL stands for APET stands for APEX stands for APF stands for APFDDI stands for APG stands for APH stands for API stands for APIC stands for APICS stands for APID stands for APIO stands for APIPA stands for APIS stands for APITB stands for APIW stands for APJ stands for APK stands for APKG stands for APL stands for APLAC stands for APLC stands for APLD stands for APLDS stands for APLOG stands for APLOGRERROR stands for APLT stands for APM stands for APMCAT stands for APMD stands for APMO stands for APMS stands for APMSW stands for APMT stands for APNIC stands for APNOMS stands for APO stands for APOC stands for APOLT stands for APON stands for APONT stands for APOP stands for APOS stands for APP stands for APPA stands for APPC stands for APPCCB stands for APPCPC stands for APPE stands for APPFOUNDRY stands for APPI stands for APPKIT stands for APPL stands for APPLE stands for APPLMIB stands for APPN stands for APPNTAM stands for APPS stands for APPSCO stands for APPT stands for APQP stands for APR stands for APRA stands for APRI stands for APRIL stands for APRP stands for APRS stands for APRUN stands for APS stands for APSCOM stands for APSE stands for APSITT stands for APSK stands for APSS stands for APST stands for APT stands for APTC stands for APTS stands for APU stands for APUB stands for APUBSB stands for APUNS stands for APUS stands for APV stands for APW stands for APWA stands for APWC stands for APX stands for APXS stands for APYR stands for AQ stands for AQAM stands for AQM stands for AQOSA stands for AQP stands for AQR stands for AR stands for ARA stands for ARABSAT stands for ARAG stands for ARAM stands for ARAP stands for ARAS stands for ARASP stands for ARB stands for ARBF stands for ARC stands for ARC2ARC stands for ARCA stands for ARCCATALOG stands for ARCDR stands for ARCDRCD stands for ARCE stands for ARCEDITOR stands for ARCEXPLORER stands for ARCGIS stands for ARCH stands for ARCH2RAD stands for ARCHIE stands for ARCID stands for ARCIMS stands for ARCINFO stands for ARCNET stands for ARCNEWS stands for ARCOFI stands for ARCOFISP stands for ARCOS stands for ARCP stands for ARCPI stands for ARCS stands for ARCSDE stands for ARCSERVE stands for ARCTOOLBOX stands for ARCUSER stands for ARCUTIL stands for ARCVIEW stands for ARCXML stands for ARD stands for ARDIS stands for ARDNOC stands for ARDP stands for ARE stands for ARENAIRE stands for ARENTO stands for AREP stands for AREQUIPA stands for ARES stands for AREV stands for AREX stands for ARF stands for ARFCN stands for ARFTG stands for ARG stands for ARGC stands for ARGO stands for ARGOS stands for ARGS stands for ARGUE stands for ARGV stands for ARH stands for ARI stands for ARIA stands for ARIB stands for ARIDPCM stands for ARIES stands for ARIMA stands for ARIN stands for ARING stands for ARIO stands for ARIS stands for ARISE stands for ARJ stands for ARL stands for ARLL stands for ARM stands for ARMA stands for ARMG stands for ARMIS stands for ARMM stands for ARMON stands for ARMS stands for ARN stands for ARNET stands for ARNS stands for ARNZ stands for ARO stands for AROMA stands for AROS stands for ARP stands for ARPA stands for ARPACK stands for ARPACSTO stands for ARPANET stands for ARPL stands for ARPM stands for ARPNET stands for ARPS stands for ARPSPOOF stands for ARPU stands for ARPWATCH stands for ARQ stands for ARR stands for ARRCANE stands for ARRL stands for ARRMD stands for ARS stands for ARSB stands for ARSR stands for ARSST stands for ART stands for ARTA stands for ARTCC stands for ARTD stands for ARTEMIS stands for ARTEMISRTE stands for ARTFG stands for ARTH stands for ARTIC stands for ARTOUR stands for ARTP stands for ARTS stands for ARTT stands for ARU stands for ARX stands for ARZ stands for AS stands for AS3AP stands for ASA stands for ASAFP stands for ASAI stands for ASALINGAP stands for ASAM stands for ASAP stands for ASAP stands for ASAPI stands for ASAPINST stands for ASARS stands for ASAS stands for ASAT stands for ASAU stands for ASAW stands for ASBR stands for ASBU stands for ASC stands for ASCA stands for ASCC stands for ASCE stands for ASCENT stands for ASCI stands for ASCII stands for ASCIIZ stands for ASCIZ stands for ASCM stands for ASCO stands for ASCOM stands for ASCON stands for ASCQ stands for ASCR stands for ASCS stands for ASCT stands for ASCTA stands for ASCTODWB stands for ASD stands for ASDAR stands for ASDC stands for ASDE stands for ASDE3 stands for ASDL stands for ASDS stands for ASDSP stands for ASE stands for ASEE stands for ASEK stands for ASEM stands for ASEMH stands for ASES stands for ASET stands for ASETA stands for ASF stands for ASFIS stands for ASFS stands for ASG stands for ASH stands for ASHRAE stands for ASI stands for ASIA stands for ASIC stands for ASICCOM stands for ASICNIT stands for ASID stands for ASIDI stands for ASII stands for ASIM stands for ASIO stands for ASIPM stands for ASIRS stands for ASIS stands for ASIST stands for ASIT stands for ASIU stands for ASK stands for ASL stands for ASLA stands for ASLCM stands for ASLMX stands for ASLPIS stands for ASLV stands for ASM stands for ASMC stands for ASMM stands for ASMO stands for ASMP stands for ASMS stands for ASN stands for ASN1 stands for ASNM stands for ASNT stands for ASO stands for ASOC stands for ASOF stands for ASOFT stands for ASOGVGA stands for ASON stands for ASOS stands for ASOUNDRC stands for ASP stands for ASP2 stands for ASPEC stands for ASPECT stands for ASPELL stands for ASPEN stands for ASPERA stands for ASPI stands for ASPIS stands for ASPLOS stands for ASPN stands for ASPNET stands for ASPP stands for ASPR stands for ASPRO stands for ASPRS stands for ASPS stands for ASQ stands for ASQC stands for ASQGSA stands for ASR stands for ASRA stands for ASRM stands for ASRO stands for ASROC stands for ASRS stands for ASS stands for ASSEM stands for ASSET stands for ASSET stands for ASSIST stands for ASSO stands for ASSP stands for ASSPCC stands for AST stands for ASTA stands for ASTC stands for ASTD stands for ASTER stands for ASTERIX stands for ASTM stands for ASTN stands for ASTO stands for ASTOR stands for ASTP stands for ASTR stands for ASTRAL stands for ASTRO stands for ASTROLOG stands for ASTROVIRTEL stands for ASTTBC stands for ASTTL stands for ASTW stands for ASTYLE stands for ASU stands for ASV stands for ASVC stands for ASVD stands for ASW stands for ASWCS stands for ASX stands for ASYM stands for ASYNC stands for ASYNCSRAM stands for AT stands for ATA stands for ATA2 stands for ATAB stands for ATAC stands for ATACC stands for ATACMS stands for ATACS stands for ATAG stands for ATAK stands for ATAMS stands for ATAPI stands for ATARI2ANSI stands for ATARS stands for ATASPI stands for ATB stands for ATC stands for ATCLK stands for ATCON stands for ATCP stands for ATCRBS stands for ATCS stands for ATCV stands for ATCVT stands for ATD stands for ATDE stands for ATDM stands for ATDMA stands for ATDMX stands for ATDN stands for ATDNET stands for ATDRS stands for ATDRSS stands for ATDT stands for ATE stands for ATEC stands for ATEL stands for ATEOSE stands for ATEOTLYWBAT stands for ATERM stands for ATEX stands for ATF stands for ATFS stands for ATG stands for ATGL stands for ATH stands for ATHENA stands for ATHOC stands for ATI stands for ATILDE stands for ATIME stands for ATINF stands for ATIP stands for ATIRCM stands for ATIRP stands for ATIS stands for ATK stands for ATL stands for ATLA stands for ATLANTIC stands for ATLAS stands for ATLID stands for ATLM stands for ATM stands for ATMAN stands for ATMARP stands for ATMC stands for ATMCC stands for ATMCNET stands for ATMCPCS stands for ATMD stands for ATMIP stands for ATMIS stands for ATMLSR stands for ATMM stands for ATMMIWY stands for ATMOS stands for ATMP stands for ATMS stands for ATMSONET stands for ATMTO stands for ATMUL stands for ATMVC stands for ATMVVD stands for ATN stands for ATNAVICS stands for ATNF stands for ATNO stands for ATO stands for ATOB stands for ATOC stands for ATOCONF stands for ATOLL stands for ATOMM stands for ATOMMIB stands for ATOMS stands for ATOMTF stands for ATOO stands for ATOP stands for ATOS stands for ATOW stands for ATOX stands for ATP stands for ATP1 stands for ATP2 stands for ATPC stands for ATPEMTP stands for ATPF stands for ATPG stands for ATPKA stands for ATPKAS stands for ATPS stands for ATPV stands for ATR stands for ATRAC stands for ATRAD stands for ATRC stands for ATRS stands for ATS stands for ATSA stands for ATSC stands for ATSL stands for ATSP stands for ATSR stands for ATST stands for ATSVC stands for ATT stands for ATTACH stands for ATTDFA stands for ATTDFF stands for ATTDFM stands for ATTDFT stands for ATTH stands for ATTIS stands for ATTM stands for ATTN stands for ATTPL stands for ATTRIB stands for ATTRS stands for ATTS stands for ATTYOB stands for ATU stands for ATUC stands for ATUG stands for ATUR stands for ATV stands for ATVEF stands for ATW stands for ATWCS stands for ATWS stands for ATWT stands for ATX stands for ATX2 stands for ATXWDT stands for AU stands for AUAI stands for AUAIS stands for AUAP stands for AUC stands for AUCC stands for AUD stands for AUDIOBIFS stands for AUDIT stands for AUDITD stands for AUDIX stands for AUE stands for AUG stands for AUI stands for AUIS stands for AUJ stands for AUMIX stands for AUML stands for AUP stands for AUR stands for AURA stands for AURORA stands for AURP stands for AUS stands for AUSCERT stands for AUSM stands for AUSSAT stands for AUSTEL stands for AUT stands for AUTH stands for AUTHR stands for AUTHTYPE stands for AUTHXML stands for AUTO stands for AUTOCAD stands for AUTOCONF stands for AUTODIN stands for AUTOECO stands for AUTOEXEC stands for AUTOFS stands for AUTOFSM stands for AUTOGEN stands for AUTOGOSS stands for AUTOGRID stands for AUTOLOGON stands for AUTOMAKE stands for AUTONET stands for AUTOOPTS stands for AUTOSEVCOM stands for AUTOSEVOCOM stands for AUTOVON stands for AUTPGRP stands for AUUG stands for AUV stands for AUX stands for AUXAPU stands for AUXF stands for AUXIF stands for AV stands for AV3D stands for AVA stands for AVAF stands for AVAR stands for AVB stands for AVBUG stands for AVC stands for AVCC stands for AVCS stands for AVCSS stands for AVD stands for AVDS stands for AVE stands for AVERT stands for AVF stands for AVG stands for AVGF stands for AVHDD stands for AVHRR stands for AVI stands for AVID stands for AVIEN stands for AVIFILE stands for AVIRIS stands for AVIS stands for AVISO stands for AVK stands for AVL stands for AVLIS stands for AVLM stands for AVLN stands for AVLS stands for AVM stands for AVMS stands for AVN stands for AVNMP stands for AVO stands for AVOICE stands for AVOIR stands for AVP stands for AVPD stands for AVPL stands for AVPVE stands for AVQ stands for AVR stands for AVR stands for AVRIQ stands for AVS stands for AVSE stands for AVSS stands for AVSSCS stands for AVSVPWM stands for AVT stands for AVT stands for AVTWG stands for AVU stands for AVVAPACE stands for AVVID stands for AVWOD stands for AVWORKS stands for AVX stands for AVXEMC stands for AW stands for AWA stands for AWAA stands for AWAAWAA stands for AWACS stands for AWAN stands for AWAP stands for AWAS stands for AWC stands for AWCDM stands for AWCIGO stands for AWCS stands for AWD stands for AWE stands for AWEA stands for AWEE stands for AWESIM stands for AWFF stands for AWG stands for AWGN stands for AWGTHTGTATA stands for AWGTHTGTTA stands for AWGTHTGTTSA stands for TETRA stands for AWI stands for AWIN stands for AWIPS stands for AWIPS90 stands for AWIS stands for AWK stands for AWKA stands for AWKUNIX stands for AWM stands for AWN stands for AWNCOM stands for AWNTUG stands for AWNV stands for AWOL stands for AWP stands for AWPA stands for AWR stands for AWS stands for AWST stands for AWT stands for AWTT stands for AWYR stands for AX stands for AXAF stands for AXBT stands for AXD stands for AXF stands for AXI stands for AXM stands for AXP stands for AYACC stands for AYCOOYM stands for AYF stands for AYFR stands for AYK stands for AYOR stands for AYPI stands for AYSOS stands for INEMI stands for AZ stands for AZERTY stands for AZIZO stands for B stands for B10 stands for B2B stands for B2BI stands for B2C stands for B2E stands for B2R stands for B2S stands for B2X stands for B3 stands for B3D stands for B3ZS stands for B4 stands for B4N stands for B64 stands for B6ZS stands for B8ZS stands for B911 stands for B911 stands for BA stands for BAA stands for BAAS stands for BAB stands for BABT stands for BABYA stands for BABYO stands for BAC stands for BACCS stands for BACKPROP stands for BACNET stands for BACODINE stands for BACP stands for BACT stands for expansion mean means meaning definition define does stand for