A New Spin | It's About Time | Maxwell's equations (without the equations)

NKFS stands for NLA stands for NLAM stands for NLANR stands for NLB stands for NLC stands for NLCS stands for NLD stands for NLDM stands for NLDN stands for NLDR stands for NLE stands for NLETS stands for NLI stands for NLM stands for NLMS stands for NLO stands for NLOCKMGR stands for NLOS stands for NLP stands for NLPID stands for NLPIP stands for NLQ stands for NLR stands for NLRI stands for NLRPI stands for NLS stands for NLSA stands for NLSFUNC stands for NLSP stands for NLSR stands for NLST stands for NLT stands for NLU stands for NLUD stands for NLUG stands for NLUT stands for NLUUG stands for NLV stands for NLX stands for NM stands for NM2 stands for NMA stands for NMAAA stands for NMABSAD stands for NMAEHG stands for NMAFDB stands for NMAFMGR stands for NMAFUSR stands for NMAGENT stands for NMAGUIF stands for NMAGUIS stands for NMAKE stands for NMAMGR stands for NMANDBQ stands for NMAP stands for NMAPROV stands for NMAPS stands for NMARS stands for NMARSA stands for NMAS stands for NMASURV stands for NMASUSR stands for NMBD stands for NMC stands for NMCC stands for NMCI stands for NMCS stands for NMD stands for NMEA stands for NMF stands for NMFECC stands for NMG stands for NMH stands for NMI stands for NMJ stands for NMK stands for NML stands for NMLFPE stands for NMM stands for NMN stands for NMOS stands for NMOSFET stands for NMOST stands for NMP stands for NMPA stands for NMPF stands for NMR stands for NMRI stands for NMS stands for NMSE stands for NMSPA stands for NMT stands for NMTF stands for NMTL stands for NMTS stands for NMVT stands for NMX stands for NN stands for NNC stands for NNCC stands for NNCM stands for NNCNA stands for NNE stands for NNEUUG stands for NNGS stands for NNHMM stands for NNI stands for NNM stands for NNMI stands for NNMSE stands for NNP stands for NNT stands for NNTP stands for NNTPEXT stands for NNW stands for NNX stands for NO stands for NOA stands for NOAA stands for NOAC stands for NOAO stands for NOARL stands for NOB stands for NOBC stands for NOBIS stands for NOBL stands for NOBR stands for NOBUFMR stands for NOC stands for NOCC stands for NOCS stands for NOD stands for NODA stands for NODC stands for NODDS stands for NODE stands for NODEN stands for NODS stands for NOESS stands for NOEXEC stands for NOF stands for NOFORN stands for NOH stands for NOHUP stands for NOI stands for NOIAN stands for NOICID stands for NOISEMM stands for NOKIACMON stands for NOL stands for NOLAN stands for NOLM stands for NOM stands for NOMDA stands for NOMS stands for NOMSS stands for NOMTS stands for NON stands for NONLIN stands for NONYA stands for NOOP stands for NOP stands for NOPAR stands for NOPE stands for NOPF stands for NOPR stands for NOR stands for NORA stands for NORAD stands for NORAMAT stands for NORC stands for NOREF stands for NORGEN stands for NORM stands for NORMAPME stands for NORMPAT stands for NORMSF stands for NORTBOT stands for NORTH stands for UHDCI stands for NOS stands for NOSC stands for NOSIE stands for NOSS stands for NOSSDAV stands for NOST stands for NOSUBCKT stands for NOT stands for NOTCAM stands for NOTHS stands for NOTIS stands for NOTNO stands for NOTP stands for NOTS stands for NOTSA stands for NOTTCS stands for NOUT stands for NOV stands for NOVCD stands for NOW stands for NOWG stands for NOX stands for NOYB stands for NP stands for NPA stands for NPAC stands for NPACI stands for NPACSMS stands for NPAL stands for NPALU stands for NPAPI stands for NPAS stands for NPAUDIO stands for NPAVI stands for NPC stands for NPCC stands for NPCEI stands for NPCS stands for NPCWA stands for NPD stands for NPDA stands for NPDNET stands for NPDU stands for NPDW stands for NPE stands for NPEL stands for NPF stands for NPFE stands for NPGA stands for NPH stands for NPI stands for NPKT stands for NPL stands for NPLU stands for NPM stands for NPMGEN stands for NPMP stands for NPMR stands for NPMRRT stands for NPN stands for NPNG stands for NPNHB stands for NPNRO stands for NPO stands for NPOAFP stands for NPOESS stands for NPOI stands for NPOP stands for NPP stands for NPQTW32 stands for NPR stands for NPRINT stands for NPRM stands for NPS stands for NPSA stands for NPSG stands for NPSH stands for NPSHA stands for NPSI stands for NPSL stands for NPSNET stands for NPSWF stands for NPT stands for NPTF stands for NPTL stands for NPTN stands for NPU stands for NPVC stands for NPX stands for NQA stands for NQC stands for NQE stands for NQFSK stands for NQI stands for NQIC stands for NQMS stands for NQOCD stands for NQOS stands for NQR stands for NQS stands for NQSMOD stands for NQTHM stands for NQWI stands for NQXML stands for NR stands for NRA stands for NRAC stands for NRAM stands for NRAO stands for NRBF stands for NRBFEH stands for NRBFEQ stands for NRBFEV stands for NRBFEW stands for NRBFUN stands for NRC stands for NRCA stands for NRCFUND stands for NRCS stands for NRCSA stands for NRDC stands for NRDN stands for NRE stands for NRECA stands for NREL stands for NREN stands for NRF stands for NRFD stands for NRG stands for NRI stands for NRL stands for NRM stands for NRN stands for NRO stands for NROFF stands for NROL stands for NROSS stands for NRP stands for NRQM stands for NRR stands for NRRC stands for NRRO stands for NRS stands for NRSC stands for NRT stands for NRTC stands for NRTE stands for NRTL stands for NRTLC stands for NRTPS stands for NRU stands for NRUF stands for NRUG stands for NRV stands for NRZ stands for NRZ1 stands for NRZC stands for NRZI stands for NRZL stands for NRZM stands for NRZS stands for NS stands for NS1 stands for NS2 stands for NS2ACTBM stands for NSA stands for NSACSTRING stands for NSAFLATSTRING stands for NSAI stands for NSAP stands for NSAPA stands for NSAPI stands for NSAPOLY stands for NSASINGLEFRAGMENTSTRING stands for NSASMTP stands for NSASTRING stands for NSAWC stands for NSB stands for NSC stands for NSCAT stands for NSCI stands for NSCOMPTR stands for NSCOUG stands for NSCS stands for NSCTP stands for NSDB stands for NSDBSA stands for NSDS stands for NSDU stands for NSE stands for NSEC stands for NSEN stands for NSERBE stands for NSERC stands for NSF stands for NSFC stands for NSFNET stands for NSG stands for NSGA stands for NSGW stands for NSI stands for NSIBASEWINDOW stands for NSICF stands for NSICONTEXTMENULISTENER stands for NSIDC stands for NSIEMBEDDINGSITEWINDOW stands for NSIL stands for NSINITEMBEDDING stands for NSIPROMPTSERVICE stands for NSIS stands for NSISHISTORY stands for NSISHISTORYLISTENER stands for NSISUPPORTS stands for NSIWEBBROWSER stands for NSIWEBBROWSERCHROME stands for NSIWEBBROWSERFIND stands for NSIWEBBROWSERPERSIST stands for NSIWEBBROWSERSETUP stands for NSIWEBNAVIGATION stands for NSK stands for NSL stands for NSLOOKUP stands for NSM stands for NSN stands for NSOC stands for NSOM stands for NSP stands for NSPE stands for NSPF stands for NSPM stands for NSPMP stands for NSPR stands for NSPS stands for NSR stands for NSRD stands for NSREC stands for NSRS stands for NSS stands for NSSC stands for NSSDC stands for NSSN stands for NSSO stands for NST stands for NSTA stands for NSTAC stands for NSTAR stands for NSTB stands for NSTC stands for NSTERMEMBEDDING stands for NSTI stands for NSTISSC stands for NSTL stands for NSTR stands for NSTS stands for NSU stands for NSW stands for NSWC stands for NSWFE stands for NT stands for NT1 stands for NT12 stands for NT1B stands for NT2 stands for NT4 stands for NT5 stands for NTA stands for NTACS stands for NTALK stands for NTAS stands for NTBA stands for NTC stands for NTCA stands for NTCIP stands for NTCN stands for NTCOC stands for NTCR stands for NTCW stands for NTD stands for NTDDK stands for NTDETECT stands for NTDLL stands for NTDR stands for NTDS stands for NTDSCC stands for NTDW stands for NTDWI stands for NTE stands for NTEA stands for NTEC stands for NTF stands for NTFS stands for NTFSDOS stands for NTG stands for TESP stands for NTHS stands for NTI stands for NTIA stands for NTIBOA stands for NTILDE stands for NTIM stands for NTIMM stands for NTIP stands for NTIS stands for NTISS stands for NTISSI stands for NTK stands for NTL stands for NTLDR stands for NTLM stands for NTLOADER stands for NTLPR stands for NTLUG stands for NTM stands for NTMAIL stands for NTME stands for NTMO stands for NTMPP stands for NTMS stands for NTN stands for NTO stands for NTON stands for NTOP stands for NTP stands for NTPI stands for NTPPA stands for NTPQ stands for NTPTRAC stands for NTR stands for NTRAS stands for NTRI stands for NTRS stands for NTS stands for NTSA stands for NTSB stands for NTSC stands for NTSEC stands for NTSRK stands for NTT stands for NTTAWWT stands for NTTC stands for NTTFLS stands for NTU stands for NTUSER stands for NTVDM stands for NTW stands for NTWG stands for NTX stands for NTYMI stands for NU stands for NUA stands for NUB stands for NUCLARR stands for NUE stands for NUG stands for NUGGIES stands for NUGI stands for NUH stands for NUHM stands for NUI stands for NUL stands for NUM stands for NUMA stands for NUMAL stands for NUMALGS stands for NUMDGT stands for NUMEXP stands for NUMI stands for NUMLOCK stands for NUMSP stands for NUNIT stands for NUP stands for NUPF stands for NUPRL stands for NURBS stands for NUS stands for NUSC stands for NUT stands for NUTEK stands for NUTI stands for NUTL stands for NUWC stands for NUWIG stands for NV stands for NVAC stands for NVC stands for NVCLOCK stands for NVD stands for NVDVD stands for NVE stands for NVEOL stands for NVF stands for NVH stands for NVI stands for NVIS stands for NVLAP stands for NVLIST stands for NVM stands for NVNG stands for NVO stands for NVOD stands for NVP stands for NVPII stands for NVRAM stands for NVS stands for NVSM stands for NVSRAM stands for NVSS stands for NVT stands for NVTC stands for NW stands for NW3C stands for NWA stands for NWADIMN stands for NWADMIN stands for NWC stands for NWCLUG stands for NWCRF stands for NWCS stands for NWDLC stands for NWDS stands for NWE stands for NWEF stands for NWGINA stands for NWI stands for NWLINK stands for NWM stands for NWN stands for NWNBLINK stands for NWND stands for NWO stands for NWP stands for NWPPC stands for NWRA stands for NWS stands for NWSRVUPD stands for NWTDB stands for NX1 stands for NX2 stands for NXDOMAIN stands for NXNW stands for NXP stands for NXR stands for NXS stands for NXT stands for NXTS stands for NXX stands for NXZILLA stands for NYB stands for NYCFS stands for NYCTMI stands for NYD stands for NYM stands for NYMNA stands for NYP stands for NYSERDA stands for NYSERNET stands for NYSIA stands for NZ stands for NZDF stands for NZDS stands for NZDSF stands for NZG stands for NZIF stands for NZIX stands for NZOSS stands for NZR stands for NZUSUGI stands for O stands for O4D stands for O4L stands for OA stands for OAA stands for OAB stands for OAC stands for OACS stands for OACUTE stands for OAD stands for OADM stands for OADX stands for OAF stands for OAG stands for OAI stands for OAK stands for OAL stands for OAM stands for OAMP stands for OAO stands for OAP stands for OAPI stands for OAPS stands for OAR stands for OARNET stands for OARS stands for OAS stands for OASES stands for OASIS stands for OASISOPEN stands for OASM stands for OASPL stands for OAST stands for OASYS stands for OAT stands for OATH stands for OATP stands for OATS stands for OATSDM stands for OATT stands for OATUS stands for OAUG stands for OAUS stands for OAV stands for OAW stands for OAWK stands for OB stands for OBANET stands for OBC stands for OBCP stands for OBCSM stands for OBD stands for OBDD stands for OBDH stands for OBDR stands for OBDS stands for OBE stands for OBEX stands for OBF stands for OBHF stands for OBI stands for OBJ stands for OBJ2RAD stands for OBJC stands for OBJCALL stands for OBJECTMAP stands for OBJLINE stands for OBJVIEW stands for OBLD stands for OBO stands for OBOR stands for OBP stands for OBR stands for OBRH stands for OBS stands for OBSID stands for OBST stands for OBT stands for OBTW stands for OBU stands for OBW stands for OBZ stands for OC stands for OC1 stands for OC12 stands for OC18 stands for OC192 stands for OC24 stands for OC3 stands for OC36 stands for OC48 stands for OC9 stands for OC96 stands for OCA stands for OCAML stands for OCAP stands for OCB stands for OCC stands for OCCF stands for OCD stands for OCDD stands for OCDDRT stands for OCDMA stands for OCDU stands for OCE stands for OCEA stands for OCEANS stands for OCEF stands for OCEO stands for OCETS stands for OCF stands for OCFBCF stands for OCFS stands for OCG stands for OCH stands for OCHIN stands for OCI stands for OCIC1 stands for OCIC2 stands for OCIH1 stands for OCIH2 stands for OCIH3 stands for OCIN stands for OCIPEP stands for OCIRC stands for OCIS stands for OCL stands for OCLC stands for OCLUG stands for OCM stands for OCMC stands for OCN stands for OCO stands for OCOM stands for OCONV stands for OCP stands for OCPAR stands for OCPD stands for OCQPSK stands for OCR stands for OCRA stands for OCRB stands for OCRCHIE stands for OCRD stands for OCRINET stands for OCS stands for OCSC stands for OCSP stands for OCSPRO stands for OCST stands for OCSUG stands for OCT stands for OCTA stands for OCTALIS stands for OCTAVE stands for OCTL stands for OCTODE stands for OCTS stands for OCTV stands for OCU stands for OCUDP stands for OCV stands for OCVCXO stands for OCW stands for OCWR stands for OCX stands for OCXO stands for OCZ stands for OD stands for ODA stands for ODAA stands for ODAC stands for ODACET stands for ODAI stands for ODAPI stands for ODAPS stands for ODAS stands for ODB stands for ODBC stands for ODBIC stands for ODBM stands for ODBMS stands for ODC stands for ODCAR stands for ODD stands for ODDD stands for ODDIS stands for ODDM stands for ODDO stands for ODDS stands for ODE stands for ODETTE stands for ODF stands for ODG stands for ODI stands for ODIF stands for ODIN stands for ODIS stands for ODISS stands for ODL stands for ODLC stands for ODM stands for ODMA stands for ODMG stands for ODMR stands for ODN stands for ODO stands for ODOS stands for ODP stands for ODR stands for ODRAM stands for ODRN stands for ODRVALDR stands for ODS stands for ODSI stands for ODSTAR stands for ODSX stands for ODT stands for ODTA stands for ODU stands for ODU2 stands for ODUIDU stands for ODV stands for ODVA stands for ODY stands for OE stands for OEA stands for OEB stands for OEBA stands for OEC stands for OECC stands for OECD stands for OED stands for OEDI stands for OEF stands for OEG stands for OEH stands for OEIC stands for OEK stands for OEL stands for OEM stands for OEMIHV stands for OEMM stands for OEO stands for OEONE stands for OEP stands for OES stands for OET stands for OETC stands for OEW stands for OEX stands for OEXP stands for OF stands for OFA stands for OFAT stands for OFB stands for OFBLT stands for OFC stands for OFCC stands for OFCDMA stands for OFCG stands for OFCP stands for OFCR stands for OFD stands for OFDM stands for OFDMA stands for OFF stands for OFFER stands for OFFH stands for OFHC stands for OFLD stands for OFLT2DWB stands for OFM stands for OFML stands for OFMT stands for OFN stands for OFNP stands for OFNPS stands for OFNR stands for OFO stands for OFP stands for OFR stands for OFS stands for OFSB stands for OFSET stands for OFSI stands for OFT stands for OFTA stands for OFTEL stands for OFTP stands for OFTS stands for OFX stands for expansion mean means meaning definition define does stand for